Stalwart named as top citizen

Augusta Margaret River Times

Cowaramup stalwart Tiny Bell has won this year’s Col Duggan citizen of the year award.

During yesterday’s Australia Day festivities, Mrs Bell was named as winner of the Cowaramup Lions Club prize for a resident who makes the town a better place to live.

Lions president David Groves said there were numerous citizens who “toil selflessly in their own way adding to our place and our time in Cowaramup,” but there could be only one winner.

Mrs Bell was recognised for years of community service, and active efforts in the horse-riding, hockey and racing communities, including a stint as a junior hockey coach and representing WA in veterans’ hockey in Malaysia.

“She can be seen on her daily walks picking up rubbish and generally making life better for all of us,” Mr Groves said.

The award commemorates the legacy of Colin Duggan, who led the Lions for years with what Mr Groves described as a “nothing-is-impossible-and- nothing-is-too-hard” attitude.

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