
Malcolm Turnbull’s demise is no mystery

Headshot of Paul Murray
Paul MurrayThe West Australian
VideoMalcolm Turnbull has accused senior ministers of trying to bring down the government during his appearance on the ABC's Q&A.

Does anyone really believe that Malcolm Turnbull and his erstwhile deputy Julie Bishop don’t know why the former prime minister was rejected by his own party room?

Bishop was at it again in this newspaper on Saturday, expecting people to believe that she also had no idea why key supporters like Finance Minister Mathias Cormann joined those who had turned against Turnbull.

“I’ve never been informed by any of the Cabinet as to why they turned on Malcolm,” Bishop said. “I still don’t know.”

The bit about Cormann might be right. They don’t seem to like each other and rarely spoke, another part of the Liberal dysfunction.

But if the perennial deputy really has never been told by any of her other former Cabinet colleagues about their decision then she can’t have been very close to them either.

It also questions just how involved the member for Curtin remains in party affairs.

Saturday’s article noted the former foreign minister would be in Dubai for the weekend to attend a curtain-raiser for the annual World Economic Forum in Switzerland, which hardly seems to be the role of a humble backbencher who now has time for constituency matters.

Her comments followed Turnbull’s protestations last Thursday on the ABC’s Q&A which ran throughout the program and on which he was never held to account.

While I opposed the sacking of Turnbull and wrote several columns warning about the consequences the Liberals would suffer, I was never in any doubt about the issues that caused their misjudgement.

The very first Q&A audience question was a verbose version of Bill Shorten’s repeated barb: “Why aren’t you still prime minister?”

Turnbull took the candy from the baby: “That’s the question I can’t answer, of course. The only people that can answer that are the people that engineered the coup.

“They’re people like Peter Dutton and Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt and Mathias Cormann, the people who voted for the spill. So, there are 45 of them. Most of them are well known. There are no bones about who they are. They have to answer that question. I can’t answer it.”

Host Tony Jones at that point might have just seen fit to mention 38 losing Newspolls.

“We have lost 30 Newspolls in a row,” Turnbull said back in 2015 as he pushed to roll the sitting prime minister. “It is clear that the people have made up their mind about Mr Abbott’s leadership.”

It wouldn’t be stretching credulity to suggest that might have been in the minds of his colleagues, having been the precise yardstick by which he unseated Abbott.

While Turnbull comfortably led Bill Shorten on preferred prime minister ratings, coalition MPs know that what Labor voters tell opinion pollsters about a Liberal leader doesn’t mean much on election day.

They remember that the “unelectable” opposition leader Abbott won a 13-seat majority in 2013, which Turnbull then squandered.

VideoFormer Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called for the senior members of government who plotted against him to publicly explain their motive

That Jones didn’t confront Turnbull with that most obvious Newspoll question is peculiar indeed. It might have opened up a useful conversation about the deleterious effect opinion polling has had on Federal politics, reducing MPs to straws in the wind.

Selecting proposed questions from ABC viewers is probably way below Jones’ $400,000-plus pay scale, but how did the program miss these two from the Q&A website:

“Mr Turnbull do you have any sense of the double standards being applied in that you did to Tony Abbott what others in the party did to you and yet you cry foul.” — Kevin Collins.

“History is full of warnings that ‘you reap what you sow’ and ‘what goes around comes around.’ With this in mind, why do you think what happened to you was wrong when you believe what you did to Abbott was right?” — Luke Torre.

On Q&A, Turnbull came up with a story about internal party polling — strangely it never leaked — that apparently turned the known opinion polls on their heads and showed him as a marginal seats winner.

Several ministers have denied knowledge of such polling, so if it exists there’s no reason to think wavering backbenchers were aware of it.

To suggest some ministers were worried Turnbull might win the 2019 election is completely deluded.

And it is more than mischievous of Turnbull — and Bishop — to ignore the ructions over energy policy in the months leading up to his demise.

That issue feeds back directly to the reason his colleagues previously rejected him in 2009 when he wanted the party to accept Kevin Rudd’s emissions trading scheme.

Maybe Turnbull doesn’t know why that sacking happened either?

Turnbull came up with the ill-fated National Energy Guarantee to save his prime ministership.

It is as simple as that.

He was prepared to jettison his own belief in the emissions reductions targets to which Abbott had committed Australia in the Paris agreement. That wrecked his credibility.

His internal enemies pounced and a week later Turnbull beat off Dutton’s first challenge 48-35.

The ABC was in no doubt at that time why Turnbull was being challenged, posting these comments in an analysis piece on its website:

“What’s Turnbull’s big problem? Put simply, he’s not popular enough.”

And then the ABC turned its attention to the other issue: “Is it really about energy? These backbench MPs are generally more conservative in their views than Mr Turnbull.

“They consider international emissions targets less important than energy prices, so their opposition to the policy makes sense.”

So let’s end this fantasy that no one knows why they knocked off Turnbull. The shabby history doesn’t need rewriting.

Maybe it should be left to the best submitted question that also wasn’t asked last Thursday:

“What is the point of having Malcolm Turnbull on Q&A? Very few people were interested in what he had to say when he was in power and his opinions are now irrelevant.

“My question is, however, being a multimillionaire why did you not have the imagination to go off and enjoy the rest of your life?” — Biggles.

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