
Age will weary some nations as depopulation hits

Shane WrightThe West Australian
Illustration: Don Lindsay
Camera IconIllustration: Don Lindsay Credit: The West Australian

Politicians love a piece of infrastructure. Build a bridge, pave a road, open a school or start an airport runway then you’d better make way for the rush of political types wanting to be there for a photo.

These and other bits of infrastructure are often needed to deal with a growing population.

The single most expensive piece of kit being built at the moment is the $16 billion WestConnex roadway in Sydney. It’s all about relieving traffic congestion in our nation’s biggest city.

And, if forecasts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics are even half correct, we’ll need more infrastructure to help move around our growing population.

Over the next 11 or 12 years, the ABS reckons Australia will add five million residents to reach 30 million. By 2066, there will be 42.6 million Australians, 4.8 million in WA.

The entire debate that’s being driven by the Morrison Government is around the population pressures facing a nation which is the sixth biggest in area in the world and has the 53rd biggest number of residents.

But what if you were in a nation that is losing its population? Japan’s population peaked almost a decade ago at 128 million. It’s now about 126 million.

Last year, there were 946,000 babies born in Japan. It was the lowest number since records began in 1899. Yep, 1899. About 400,000 more people die in Japan each year than are born.

Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research reckons without any major change, Japan will be home to just 88 million residents by 2065 and could be down to 50 million by 2115.

Such is the trend that some analysts have suggested if the current depopulation rate continues then by 2300 there will be just 8.5 million people in Japan.

The director of Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Shiro Koike, notes that the signs of depopulation are most evident in smaller towns.

While there are fewer people in total across Japan, there’s plenty of movement within the country. And that movement is almost all one-way, from regional areas to Tokyo (and to a lesser extent Osaka and Nagoya).

Younger people are heading to the big cities, leaving much older populations in isolated villages which are simply dying out. Local governments are now having to decide whether to maintain services in these towns for fewer people.

There are enormous social consequences.

For instance, one in six elderly men has a conversation with another person less than once every fortnight.

According to the institute’s research, there are some parts of Japan where more than half the population will be over the age of 65 by 2025.

By 2040, two in five Tokyo residents will be at least 65. Maybe one or two municipalities will be younger but even there at least one in three will be above the retirement age.

While the debate in this country is about foreigners coming in and crowding out existing residents, in Japan there is deep social resistance to immigration, with the Abe Government considering allowing 345,000 foreigners into the country over the next five years.

“Especially at the local level you find very strong resistance to foreigners,” Mr Koike says.

That social resistance extends to another issue — children. There remains in Japan a deep social stigma attached to having children out of wedlock (compared with Australia where up to half of all babies are born to unmarried parents).

As the population falls, and more women enter the workforce (the female participation rate in Japan is higher than Australia), there is a delay to marriage — and a delay to babies.

That’s had a knock-on effect where, as couples are older when they finally can afford to get married, the chance of conception and a big brood of children diminishes.

Hisashi Yamada, chief senior economist with the Japan Research Institute, highlights how the country is dealing with its population decline.

Restaurants where people order via electronic tablet rather than a waitress, a debate over lifting the retirement age to 65 from 60, hotels where people book in via a computer or even a “dinosaur” (a robotic dinosaur rather than a human manager) and the introduction of overseas workers who have limited rights are all elements of his response to depopulation.

From next year, nurseries will be free as the Abe Government attempts to get even more women into the workforce.

Businesses without workers are having to find other ways to deal with remaining customers.

“Companies are suffering from severe labour shortages because the supply of labour is decreasing. And despite that the pace of wages growth is still very low,” he says.

While the depopulation of Japan is not on the radar for Australian policy makers, the way Tokyo dominates the rest of the archipelago goes to the heart of local issues.

The ABS believes that Perth is likely to be home to 81 per cent of West Australians by 2027. WA, which accounts for a third of the continent, has the most concentrated population in the Commonwealth.

It’s a growing story for every other capital. Melbourne will account for 79 per cent of Victoria’s population by 2027 and it could reach 85 per cent by 2066.

Sydney accounts for 65 per cent of NSW’s population and this is likely to grow to 67 per cent within a decade and reach 70 per cent by the early 2040s.

Even in Queensland, the nation’s most decentralised State, Brisbane will account for half of the State’s population by 2027.

Don’t get me wrong. They’re all lovely cities. But so are places like Margaret River or Hervey Bay or Bright. Yet they can’t compete in terms of the employment opportunities offered by our major cities which are becoming economic behemoths quite separate from what’s going on around them.

And as is evident in WA, many parts of the State are depopulating at a rate similar to that in Japan.

Simply shifting a few thousand migrants around the country, a policy being debated within the Morrison Government, won’t work given the much bigger demographic and economic forces at play.

That’s especially an issue if you’re cutting the net migrant intake and lifting the skilled visa element (itself not a bad idea). Those skilled visas are likely to be for jobs in our biggest cities.

Looks like even more politicians will be headed to an infrastructure unveiling near you for many years to come.

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