
Scott Morrison’s $2b to end Lib climate war by reviving Tony Abbott’s Direct Action policy

Phoebe WearneThe West Australian
VideoThe Prime Minister has promised to tip billions of dollars into an emissions reduction fund.

Scott Morrison will today revive Tony Abbott’s signature Direct Action climate change policy, topping up the Government’s emissions reduction fund to ensure Australia meets its Paris commitments.

The Prime Minister will inject $2 billion over 10 years into the re-badged Climate Solutions Fund, which had been depleted from an initial $2.5 billion to about $226 million.

It comes as the latest Newspoll shows a sustained Government attack on the issue of border security has failed to land a blow on Labor, which has maintained a six-point lead over the Coalition.

The survey, for The Australian, shows the ALP leading the Coalition on a two-party preferred basis 53 per cent to 47 per cent despite efforts by the Coalition to portray Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as soft on asylum seekers.

The climate change issue has dogged both major parties over the past decade, but deep divisions within the Liberal Party over energy policy contributed to the downfall of Malcolm Turnbull last year.

The funding boost to be announced by Mr Morrison will be used to blunt Labor’s claims to be the only party committed to tackling climate change, while offering practical benefits for farmers, small businesses and local comm-unities.

In a speech to be delivered in Melbourne, Mr Morrison will vow to tackle climate change without “taking a sledgehammer” to the economy or putting upward pressure on electricity prices.

“Our Government will take meaningful, practical action on climate change, without damaging our economy or the family budget,” Mr Morrison will say.

“This is the responsible and balanced course. And we must stay the course.”

Despite efforts by Mr Abbott to have Australia abandon its Paris obligations, Mr Morrison will describe the emissions reduction target of 26 per cent to 28 per cent of 2005 levels by 2030 as a “responsible and achievable” one.

He will praise the Abbott-era direct action plan, but also condemn those Liberal and National colleagues who claim that Australia must choose between its economy and the environment.

“We don’t believe such an outlook is measured, balanced, practical or helpful,” he will say. “Our children should not have to pay tomorrow to subsidise the living standards and lifestyle we have today.”

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