Kalgoorlie-Boulder police are seeking information about a group armed with “blunt and edged weapons” who assaulted a man inside a car in South Kalgoorlie on Wednesday night.
Neil Watkinson
Saints are eyeing off the division one minor premiership in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Basketball Association 2024-25 season.
Neale Harvey
Ramsay’s Horse Transport is floating local horses to Esperance on March 20.
Residents can now access water from Munglinup Dam with the completion of a multi-agency project to install a standpipe at the Reynolds Road facility.
Kalgoorlie Amateur Swimming Club’s latest haul was underpinned by 28 gold medals across two grades.
Nationals WA member for Roe Peter Rundle says he would “love” a chance to be in government for his third term after noticing a change in WA Labor support from regional people in his electorate.
Tegan Guthrie
Local women came together for a special International Women’s Day event hosted by Bega Garnbirringu Health Service on Thursday.
WA Premier Roger Cook made a whistlestop to Kalgoorlie-Boulder on Thursday to shore up the vote of local member Ali Kent two days out from the State election.
Young Goldfields drivers got behind the wheel with professional trainers this week to learn essential skills when navigating regional roads.
Carwyn Monck
Stormageddon cruised to an impressive win in Sunday’s $100,000 Esperance Cup.
Workshops will take place in Leonora, Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Esperance.
Jerry Virieux gets the nod again at the annual general meeting to lead the GFL’s umpires.
A twice-weekly meals program for Kalgoorlie-Boulder seniors has celebrated its second anniversary.
Veterans upset Sunrisers to finish the 2024-25 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Cricket Association season on a high note.
WA junior critical minerals explorer West Cobar Metals has snapped up a highly prospective gold tenement in the Fraser Range from IGO.
Vintage, classic and muscle cars, along with motorcycles, trucks and restored machinery, will be on display at an upcoming Esperance show and shine event.
Residents and businesses are invited to provide feedback on the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s services with city staff.
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has ignored its own policy and guidelines around community sponsorship to continue to support the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community Fair this year.
Goldfields shire president calls for extraordinary licences for seniors living in remote towns without public transportation and subsidies for small communities to offset increasing freight costs for groceries.
Nationals WA will invest $10 million for an MRI machine in Esperance if elected to government at this weekend’s State election.
Funding towards a multimillion-dollar worker accommodation project to address Esperance’s critical housing shortage is Nationals WA’s latest election promise.
Shire of Laverton president Pat Hill has backed the WA Liberals’ pledge to plan for a youth rehabilitation centre in the Goldfields as the town continues to suffer “mass destruction” at the hands of youth.
Matt Ralph and Rick Smith-Ince were honoured as part of Hannans’ centenary celebrations at the weekend.
A mother accused of seriously assaulting her one-year-old child until her four-year-old intervened and later telling police she would burn cars and a house down has been released on bail.