People can generally pick the top 30 guests. The best friends, the closest family members, the richest family members. But after that it gets tricky. Cousins. Do you invite them all?
Nat Locke
It’s testament to the fact that Instagram advertising pays off, because after being fed an ad for the third time, I found myself saying, ‘Oh, why not?’
The most effective way is to call them. I don’t mean call them names. I mean actually call them on the phone. Gen Z are wired to communicate in many ways, but actually speak to you on the phone? Ew. Gross.
I recently fronted my own Fringe World show where I did stand-up and introduced funny friends to perform as well. It was a hit. Everyone loved it. Then came the giant slice of perspective just a week later.
My resolution is to do all the maintenance around the house. Old houses equal lots of niggling issues, and my house is a hundred and seventeen. Perhaps I should have started in January after all.
School went back this week for absolutely everyone, so it’s time for me to say something hackneyed and cliched like “Oh, it was different in my day!” This is true, because I am approximately 430 years old.
I definitely took for granted the fact that I can blithely flush toilet paper down the toilet when I’m at home, even with my dodgy old pipes. And don’t get me started on drinking tap water.
As we career towards Christmas with all of the control of me riding a bike after a couple of glasses of rosé, can we spare a thought for the real heroes of the season?
Am I too old to go clubbing? Absolutely. But this was different: several hundred women in their sparkliest outfits and most comfortable shoes, dancing to bangers. Just don’t read the Facebook comments.
From queues to see Santa to trees so stunning that children aren’t allowed anywhere near them, as we hurtle headlong into the Christmas panic season it’s time to remind ourselves that nothing is perfect.
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was doomed to push a rock up a hill, only for it to roll down, forever. But which character was fated to never learn their lesson and repeat mistakes? Because that character is me.
My theory is all of us have some level of Karen in us: a quiet disdain that occasionally bubbles up to mild whingeing, but not to anyone in authority. Rarely do we go full Karen unless pushed to the brink.
It was World Kindness Day last week, but imagine if we performed acts of kindness year-round. I have made a stranger’s day with four words or the simple act of returning their shopping trolley. Let’s all start.
Yes, I’m on crutches. Mainly people are saying “What, again?” which is completely justified. At this point I’m beginning to wonder whether I’m just doing it for attention.
A news story about a young woman who became trapped between rocks for seven hours trying to retrieve her phone from a crevice got me thinking about this question. And I have a pretty disgusting story of my own.
As someone who drives to work in the wee hours, it comes as a shock if I ever have to contend with peak hour traffic. People do this twice a day, EVERY DAY? I don’t know how they still have the will to live.
For years I have lived across from a block that recently sold for an eye-watering amount. The delightful new owners’ building plans show a beautiful house that fits in with the street. So what’s the problem?
You see, one does not simply have curly hair. No. One is on a curl journey. And it turns out the journey comes at first-class prices.
As we celebrate another AFL Grand Final, I’m thinking back to my past Big Dance experiences. They’ve been something else, just ask the guy who tried to light my Eagles scarf on fire.
I came across a junior footy wind-up with a waterslide and a donut van, something I could never have imagined when I was a kid. What will they be like in 20 years time? Cirque du Soleil? Petting zoo capybaras?
Remember when a cordless phone, a VCR, a fruit roll up or an LCM bar were the ultimate indicators of wealth? Something tells me kids might be a lot harder to impress these days.
Reasonable people might ask the question “Can’t we just use common sense around this? Why does it have to be legislated?” and to them, I say, that’s two questions. But you make a great point.
Every father I spoke to reckons they’re practically brimming with sage guidance, but only a few of them could recollect the advice. Don’t worry, I’ve rounded up some of my favourites, good and terrible.
It’s no longer comfortable sitting on hard surfaces, my heels are silky smooth and my lost hair has grown back and it’s ridiculously curly.
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