After falling just short in Sydney, Canada have triumphed over SailGP heavyweights New Zealand and Australia in a tense Los Angeles showdown.
Staff Writers
Three-time defending champions Australia have finished behind New Zealand and Canada after day one of Sail Grand Prix racing in Los Angeles.
Walpole Yacht Club hosted the popular In the Trees regatta over the long weekend, with more than 120 boat crews vying for a junior or senior trophy across nine divisions.
Jacki Elezovich
The daring adventurer did ‘at least 30 full flips’ as he tried to row his boat solo through the storm.
Harrison Reid
Yachtsman Maurice Saunderson, who vanished while sailing late last year, will be memorialised at Princess Royal Sailing Club next weekend as a “true legend” of the sailing community.
Melissa Sheil
Australian Tom Slingsby is ready to deny New Zealand a chance at redemption when the trans-Tasman rivals hit the water for the Sydney SailGP.
Joanna Guelas
Seven division two yachts were once again joined by a pair of division one boats competing in King George Sound in a combined fleet race on February 1.
Des Beeck
An unparalleled season of success and a triumphant Olympic gold medal defence have put Nina Kennedy and Matt Wearn into the race for the SportWest WA Sports Star of the Year award.
Aaron Kirby
The SailGP fleet could hit speeds over 100km/h thanks to a change made to boats ahead of the second event of the fifth season, to be contested in Auckland.
Jasper Bruce
Police are concerned for the welfare of 77-year-old yachtsman who went missing from Albany two weeks ago.
Rachel Fenner
Sailors in the Sydney to Hobart accept the risks of racing, according to a veteran competitor who has been involved in two deadly events.
Ethan James
A custom-built yacht part-crewed by people living with a disability has finished the Sydney to Hobart yacht race and hopes to spread a positive message.
Sydney to Hobart organisers are hoping to hold tributes to the two sailors who died at sea on the opening day of the 2024 yacht race.
Monohull Scarlett Runner and multihull Rushour were the big winners in the 52nd edition of the Melbourne to Hobart yacht race.
Roger Vaughan
The Tattersall Cup has been awarded to NSW yacht Celestial V70 as the overall winner of the tragedy-marred Sydney to Hobart race.
The usual champagne and boisterous cheers were absent, out of respect for two men who died at sea on the first night of sailing.
LawConnect has claimed back-to-back line honours in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, which has been marred by the death of two competitors.
More than one-fifth of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race fleet has been forced to pull the pin in a rough weather event that has claimed the lives of two sailors.
‘Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time.’
Caleb Runciman
Multihull Peccadillo has led the fleet out of Port Phillip Bay in the Melbourne to Hobart race.
The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia has promised a thorough investigation into the two deaths that took place on the first night of the 2024 Sydney to Hobart.
Sydney to Hobart organisers have promised a thorough investigation into the two deaths that rocked the 79th iteration of the yacht race.
Jasper Bruce & Jackson Barrett
A Sydney to Hobart competitor who was thrown overboard during a rough night of sailing has described being pinned underwater on the side of his yacht.
Jasper Bruce and Ethan James
A list of the 13 fatalities that have occurred during 79 editions of the Sydney to Hobart, including two that took place on the first night of the 2024 race.
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